The boy got a Superman toy that includes a strap on breastplate, a cape, and a chain that he can rip apart. Pretty cool!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas Pics 2006, part 2
The boy got a Superman toy that includes a strap on breastplate, a cape, and a chain that he can rip apart. Pretty cool!
Christmas 2006 Pics
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Baltimore Ravens beat Pittsburgh Steelers, 31-7
I generally dislike these teams equally. But since the Steelers won the Super Bowl last year it gives them an edge on who I would like to see lose. I enjoy the fact that the Ravens beat the Steelers both times this year, but the fact that this second loss will keep the Steelers out of the playoffs makes it even sweeter.
I would also like to point out that I still believe that Ben Rothelsberger has not recovered and may never fully recover from his motor cycle injuries. I would NEVER wish any player (or person for that matter) harm on any player on or off the field, but I hope this serves as a lesson to guard against arrogance among players and abide by the terms of their contract for the good of the team.
At any rate, all Browns fans can count this as an early Christmas present if they so chose. Merry Christmas!
Prayer Request for Gabriel
Prayer Request for Gabriel
Friday, December 22, 2006
Digital Photo tips for Christmas
» 16 Tips Digital Photography Tips for Christmas
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
YouTube helps Police
YouTube helps police find murder suspect - Yahoo! News
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Cleveland Lodge Party Pics
Here are some great pictures of the kids at the Lodge Christmas party. We had about 100 people, 1/3 of which were kids and grandkids. After some good food we had a magician and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Clause. He talked to each child and then gave them a very nice present, along with a goody bag with candy, coloring books and other little toys. Apparently we may have missed getting pictures of Wayde with Santa, or maybe they are still on the camera. Merry Christmas!
Google's Hidden Features
Exploring Google's Hidden Features > Google Is a Calculator
Christmas details often overlooked
Christmas 12/19/06
Why Mary? Lk 3.21-8 her Dad ln house of David.
Arranged mar. Lk 1.21, also 13-15
people of day saw her as least likely to bear Messiah
Could have been stoned or shunned into prost.
When ded. Jesus, gave poorest sacrifice (2 birds)
Why Joseph?
Strong valued, blue collar
When found out pregnant, tried to do right thing, knew her character
Joe had to acept that Jesus is God's child.
*Joseph gave legal right to be king, Mary gave blood right.*
Jer 22.23-end
Joseph man of social position (carpenter) belief (celebrated passover)
Mk 6.3-siblings
Why stable? 2Cor 8.9-became lowly poor
Why Manger? Peter asked 3x to feed sheep, born Manger which is feeder of sheep.
Star? Birth announcement
Shephard-He is Shephard, sheep big sacrifice, He is lamb of God.
Wisemen-wealthy, diff lands,prob. caravans. Wisemen found after about 2 when found.
Gold gift for king, prob. Used to flee. Frankinsense used to make perfume for temple as sacrifice, myrh used for annointing dead.
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
PS3 vs. Wii
Check out this hysterical video about the Playsation 3 vs. the Wii and remember, the Wii is currently out selling the PS3 4 to 1! |
Baby on board?
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Eau Du Play Doh?
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John Lennon was not a Leftist Subversive
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Mormons wanted to baptize Simon Wiesenthal
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Pictures of Gracie Lou
'Twas the Night Before Jesus
‘Twas The Night Jesus Returned
'Twas the
night Jesus came and all through the house,
not a person was praying, not
one in the house..
The Bible was left on the shelf without care,
no one thought Jesus would come there..
The children were dressing to
crawl into bed,
not once ever kneeling or bowing their head..
Mom in the rocking chair with babe on her lap,
was watching the Late Show as
I took a nap..
When out of the east there rose such a clatter,
sprang to my feet to see what was the matter..
Away to the window I flew
like a flash,
tore open the shutters and lifted the sash..
When what
to my wondering eyes should appear,
but Angels proclaiming that Jesus was
The light of His face made me cover my head...
was Jesus
returning ! just like He'd said..
And though I possessed worldly wisdom
and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself..
In the Book
of Life which he held in his hand,
was written the name of every saved man..
He spoke not a word as he searched for my name,
when He said "it's
not here" My head hung in shame..
The people whose names had been
written with love,
He gathered to take to his Father above..
those who were ready He rose without sound,
while all of the others were
left standing around...
I fell to my knees but it was too late,
I'd waited too long and thus
sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight,
if only I'd known that this was the night....
In the words of this poem
the meaning is clear
the coming of Jesus is now drawing near...
There's only one life and when comes the last call,
We'll find out
that the Bible was true after all...
B Basic
I Instruction
L Leaving
E Earth
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
We have a Dog
We have a Dog! I don't have time for details now, but I can tell you that we adopted a black whippet/lab mix from the APL. She is a real sweetheart. In fact, she hasn't even barked once. L8r!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Kids and School
Sully has his pre-school home visit on Tuesday and then starts school September 12th. The home visit is a requirement of Head Start here. The teacher comes out and interviews the student, makes sure they are ready for school, and gives them some special time. Last year when Chayce started she loved her home visit, because they came out to talk to her and brought her a teddy bear. Sully will be doing 1/2 days (mornings, I think) and will be going to the same school that Chayce went to (they saved her place for him).
Here are some pics of the girls on their first days:

We're in the house!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
mentos + diet coke/pepsi explosion
Warning! Be very careful when eating Mentos that you do not accidently gring them up and put them in your pop, for this is what will happen! warning: don't try this at home. rather, try it outside. Founders 309 Productions. affiliated with |
Sunday, August 06, 2006
New Music Video From David "The Hoff" Hasselhoff - "Jump In My Car"
Dudes, this is pretty funny: That's right, it's Hofficial... your favourite cult icon wants to take you home! The one and only David Hasselhoff of "Bay Watch" and "Knight Rider" fame returns with a cover of the 1975 classic 'Jump In My Car' and its a doozy. Recorded in Sydney last year with the legendary Harry Vanda (AC/DC, The Angels), the Ted Mulry Gang tune has been re-vamped with full Hoff gusto and this music video promises to rock the socks off all his Hofficial fans. Watch it, enjoy it, share it on Google Video, courtesy of Sony BMG Australia. Want more? Buy the buy the track on iTunes Australia by clicking here: |
Friday, August 04, 2006
House Pics

Well, we still don't have an appointment to close on our new house. Our lender was supposed to have the paperwork to the title co. today so that we could close on Monday, but as of 3:00 PM today it had not been done. Now I'm afraid it might get postponed again. I'm pretty frustrated at the speed (or rather complete lack thereof) of our lender in getting their part of the job completed. I feel like we have answered all their questions and met all their conditions in a timely manner, and our realtor has certainly worked quickly for us, but the bank seems to not even understand the nature of a deadline and a closing date. Are all banks like this?
Anyway, here are some pics of our new house. I think the place is really nice, and it is going to be a wonderful home for us.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Lessons learned @ VBS
Here is a report from Jamie about what VBS meant to our kids. Praise
God for sending the Holy Spirit to work in their lives!
I just wanted to share what Sully has been doing. It is quite funny :)
He uses Wayde's new pom poms and shouts out "L-O-G-O-S Camp LOGOS is
the best! YES! Leaning on God's only son!!!!!" It is really really
Then last night they were practicing prayer at the table. Chayce
started so beautifully and just had the sweetest prayers for all of
us, and finally remmebered to say "Amen". Then it was Sully's turn: "L-
O-G-O-S Camp LOGOS is the best! YES! Leaning on God's only son!!!!!
AMEN" It was so cute :)
I am so grateful for the teaching they received at VBS. I have seen
such a change in them!!!
Anyway thanks for reading :)
Jamie Bonchu
Saturday, July 29, 2006
VBS, part III

VBS, part II

Each night started with a prayer, camp cheers, and a skit. Followed by a "nature walk" where the 4 groups went in turn to each of the 4 areas: crafts, snack, bible lesson, and games.

Vacation Bible School @ Vertical View Church
Well, this was a great week in the life of our family. Not only was I on vacation, and not only did we get our confirmation of a loan for our new house, but we got do participate in Vacation Bible School at our church. I have never seen a VBS put on this way before. The people in this church have such a heart for the lord that they went all out to create the wonderland that was Camp L.O.G.O.S. (Leaning on God's Only Son). Here are some of the pictures of things we did. First, we transformed the sanctuary into a camp, complete with campfire, cabins, and trees:

Saturday, July 15, 2006
Another Sully-ism!
"If I feel another itch, I'm gonna PUNCH my butt!"
He is such a great kid, just like the girls. As soon as I get batteries in the digital camera later this weekend, I'll get more pics up, including Girl Scouts.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
A Sully-ism
Sully is playing with some stretchy loom loopers (the ones you make
oven pads with) and he put one over his whole head and said "It's
like a rubbered ban"
Monday, June 05, 2006
Sully's "baby oak"
Check out this report from Jamie about Sully's breakfast: Sully is
very concerned about his hardboiled egg and the "baby oak" inside
because "it doesn't have legs and it doesn't have arms and it doesn't
have a mouth and I don't want it to crack open" His concern ended
with a grumble and I can hear him cracking and opening the egg now.
He is intensely indecisive but it's too funny not to report!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Jamie's infection
Please agree with us in prayer for the total healing of Jamie's inner
ear infection. She is currently on antibiotics and propulous which is
healing but is still in pain and experiencing ringing and wooshing
noises. We ask God to bring total and immediate healing and praise
Him since what it is asked in His name it is already done. Amen.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
WI Predator laws
WI just passed 2 interesting laws concerning sexual predators. First,
a 1st degree offense against a child earns a min. 25 year sentence.
Once these sick bastards do get out, they will have to wear a GPS
tracker which will alert police if they get near a school, park etc.
They can ask a judge to take it off after 20 YEARS! What do you think
about that?
Loan Update
Our loan has been approved! We have several conditions to meet,& we
could still use prayer, but we got our approval & we are so excited!
Praise God for all He has done for us!
Monday, May 22, 2006
We have a Car!ll
We have a car! We have been praying for this for a long time & praise
God it has finally happened! We got an old Cavalier from a friend at
church who took excellent care of it. He also put a bunch of work
into it before he gave it to us. Now we can drive to church, school,
the store, etc. We are just so blessed, & so happy with our new
church. Praise God, & please say a prayer of thanks giving! Woo Hoo!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
G.S. Court of Awards
Wayde & Chayce's Girl Scout Court of Awards will be Monday, June 12th
@ 7:00 PM. Wayde will be getting several Brownie "tri-its" badges,and
Chayce will be recieving several Daisy Petals. It should be a very
exciting night.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Words from my kids
Here is a post from Jamie about some cute things the kids have said recently:
Sully says "When I drink pop, my breath feels hot. I feel my breath
hot when I drink pop." He then commenced trying to feel his breath
with his mouth closed. LOL
Chayce says "I wish a superhero would pick up our house with all of
us in, and put us right on a cloud and God is there!"
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Sully's Bedtime
We have been letting Sully fall asleep on his own and then put him to
bed, which means that many times he turns in at the same time we do!
Well, Saturday night I took him up to his bed, tucked him in, and
layed with him until he fell asleep. The last two nights, I simply
tucked him in, said good night, and went back downstairs! He just put
himself to sleep! With the girls I had to lay with them, sing them to
sleep, and risk falling asleep myself. Isn't my boy amazing.
By the way, Saturday I am taking the girls to the troop roller
skating party. Neither of them have skated before, so I'm a little
worried. I could use prayers for protection for me and them!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Sully got off the bus & told Jamie that he had tied his glove to the
bus so he would be "sape."
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Sully's drawings
Yesterday, the kids were all playing with sidewalk chalk. Sully
brought Jamie over to his drawing & said "look, I drew my penis!" But
then he decided itwas a crayon & changed it.
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Friday, April 28, 2006
Just a few more Christmas Pics

And this is Wayde showing off two of her favorite presents. In her right hand is her Mega Man (see previous post) and in her left is Bloom, one of the Winx Club girls, which is another cartoon they love to watch. Enjoy!
More Christmas Pics