Hey folks, sorry it has been so long since I have posted here, I have been waitting for pics from Jamie and have been very busy. This weekend we took the kids to an Easter Egg hunt in North Olmstead like we did last year. It was fun, but it was pretty cold and blustery. Besides getting lots of candy, the kids got to play games and win tickets for prizes. Sully won a pink Care Bear which he proceded to give to Chayce because it was pink. Lucky Miss Wayde won a portable CD player! She loves being able to pick out her own music and listen to it as she wants. Jamie got a headphone jack splitter so two kids could listen at once, and Will is bringing over adapters so they can listen to it on the stereo in their room! We also went to church with our best friends the Webers and went to a wonderful Easter concert.
In closing, here are 2 new pics of Sully which show off his new "doo," as well as his cuteness. BTW, he is not actually upset in the one picture, he is totally faking for the camera! Enjoy!