Monday, July 31, 2006

Lessons learned @ VBS

Here is a report from Jamie about what VBS meant to our kids. Praise
God for sending the Holy Spirit to work in their lives!

I just wanted to share what Sully has been doing. It is quite funny :)
He uses Wayde's new pom poms and shouts out "L-O-G-O-S Camp LOGOS is
the best! YES! Leaning on God's only son!!!!!" It is really really

Then last night they were practicing prayer at the table. Chayce
started so beautifully and just had the sweetest prayers for all of
us, and finally remmebered to say "Amen". Then it was Sully's turn: "L-
O-G-O-S Camp LOGOS is the best! YES! Leaning on God's only son!!!!!
AMEN" It was so cute :)
I am so grateful for the teaching they received at VBS. I have seen
such a change in them!!!
Anyway thanks for reading :)

Jamie Bonchu

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Me Church

Check out this satirical video about church in our culture and worshipping yourself!

VBS, part III

At the end of the night we all got back together to sing camp songs, take a collection, recite our memory verse (Provers 3:5-6), and dismiss for the night. At the end of the week we had a "parents night" with food, games, fellowship, and a campfire. The kids also got to turn in the tickets they earned all week for doing good things for prizes in the trading post. This was a phenomneal week for all of us. The kids learned about Jesus and a number of important Bible characters who leaned on God, made friends, and got out with others. For Jamie and myself, well, we pretty much enjoyed the same thing! God Bless!

VBS, part II

Then we created a Craft Cabin, waterfront, "mess hall" where the kids could buy candy, and a post office, where the kids got tree mail every day(these were letters the staff or other kids wrote telling them how special they are and how much God loves them)!

Each night started with a prayer, camp cheers, and a skit. Followed by a "nature walk" where the 4 groups went in turn to each of the 4 areas: crafts, snack, bible lesson, and games.

Vacation Bible School @ Vertical View Church

Well, this was a great week in the life of our family. Not only was I on vacation, and not only did we get our confirmation of a loan for our new house, but we got do participate in Vacation Bible School at our church. I have never seen a VBS put on this way before. The people in this church have such a heart for the lord that they went all out to create the wonderland that was Camp L.O.G.O.S. (Leaning on God's Only Son). Here are some of the pictures of things we did. First, we transformed the sanctuary into a camp, complete with campfire, cabins, and trees:

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Another Sully-ism!

Poor Sully said he was having an itch in his posterior. He became somewhat angry and said
"If I feel another itch, I'm gonna PUNCH my butt!"
He is such a great kid, just like the girls. As soon as I get batteries in the digital camera later this weekend, I'll get more pics up, including Girl Scouts.